Margaretha Lupac Foundation

Margaretha Lupac, champion of democratic values

In her last will and testament, Margaretha Lupac left her entire estate to the Austrian Parliament as an expression of her emotional attachment to the Republic.

The Foundation – established in her name in 2001 – focuses on democracy, parliamentarism, and tolerance, thus honoring her committment to democratic values.

The Margaretha Lupac Foundation proactively works towards furthering the principles of democracy and parliamentarism in Austria by rewarding academic research and social initiatives.

Goals of the Foundation

The Foundation dedicates itself to the promotion and strengthening of democracy, parliamentarism and tolerance in the discourse on politics, the arts, and social development.

  • grant awards for outstanding activities in the service of parliamentarism and democracy
  • support research work on the history and development of parliamentarism in Austria
  • organise meetings and other events
  • promote the work of Austrian artists in order to underscore the significance of art as an indicator of social trends

Art Collection

Within the limits of its financial means, the Margaretha Lupac Foundation can acquire artworks that relate thematically to democracy parliamentarism or further the goals of the foundation.

  • Vukoje, Maja – Ohne Titel (agua 2) (2005)
  • Unterwelz, Martina – Porträt der Margaretha Lupac (Schenkung)
  • Thuma, Gerlinde - Gleichung in Schwebe
  • Taupe, Julian – Ohne Titel (2018)
  • Kehrer, Anton – lightflow_colourfield (black&red)
  • Kandl, Johanna – Ohne Titel (Die Betriebsbesichtigung...)
  • Gsteu, Johann Georg – Skulptur "Denker/in" (Schenkung)
  • Fronius, Hans – Parlament
  • Bruzek, Ernst – Welt-offen

The Organs of the Foundation

The organs of the Foundation are the Board of Trustees and the Manager of the Foundation, who hold their offices for the duration of a legislative period. The Board of Trustees is chaired by the President of the National Council; their deputy is the President-in-Office of the Federal Council. The parties represented in the National Council Main Committee delegate one member each to the Board and designate one substitute member.

Board of Trustees


Based on a decision of the Board of Trustees, the Jury has been installed for the XXVIIth legislative term. Every year, the Jury submits to the Board of Trustees a proposal for the winner(s) of the Democracy Award or Science Award. The members of the Jury are acting on an honorary basis.

Members of the Jury

Oliver Rathkolb, Full Professor, Department of Contemporary History, University of Vienna

Sieglinde Rosenberger, Full Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Vienna

Elisabeth Totzauer, Editor-in-Chief Magazine of the Austrian Broadcasting Company

Management & Contact

The current manager of the foundation is Barbara Blümel.

Contact information:

The Democracy Award 2024

Barbara Coudenhove-Kalergi 

Barbara Coudenhove-Kalergi has for decades been an active voice advocating for the strengthening of democracy – at the levels of both domestic and international politics. She has not confined herself to mere journalistic coverage of movements struggling for freedom and liberal thinking, in particular in Europe since the 1960s. Taking an invariably critical look beneath the surface, she also has been, and still is, raising her voice – in dailies, magazines and in her books – as a champion of freedom and democracy. Not least from her personal experience she very well knows about the importance of giving support to those who are newcomers to a society, and until this day she is marvellously active with great commitment in the field of German language courses. Her book "Zuhause ist überall” ("Home is Everywhere”) is also worth mentioning. Barbara Coudenhove-Kalergi receives the Margaretha Lupac Foundation’s Democracy Award in recognition of her life achievements.

Regionsmanagement Osttirol

The intergenerational work pursued by the Regional Management of East Tyrol is focusing on the aspects of participation and regional development in the entire Dolomites region. One of the main fields of activity is democracy education. Based on a cross-national project for adults dealing with such questions as "What does democracy mean to me?” or "What do I need to make democracy work?”, a school project with workshops, involving primary and (general as well as academic) secondary schools, was developed. All activities have been documented in detail, and the results are therefore easily accessible.

Past Award Recipients

Science Award

The Margaretha Lupac Foundation for Parliamentarism and Democracy Science Award honours a scientist’s life achievements, a scientific publication, or a completed and evaluated doctoral thesis which deals with the potentials and strengths but also the challenges and weaknesses of parliamentary democracy and its institutions in Austria.

The Science Award 2025

The Margaretha Lupac Foundation for Parliamentarism and Democracy Science Award honours a scientist’s life achievements, a scientific publication, or a completed and evaluated doctoral thesis.

The following criteria will be considered in conferring the Award:

  • the work’s contribution to an in-depth understanding of the foundations, the functioning and the basic values of the Austrian republic/democracy
  • its underlining of the importance of the principle of tolerance in the discourse on issues of politics, arts and social developments
  • its reference to the European and/or international dimension of the respective issue
  • its dealing with the potentials and strengths but also the challenges and reforms of parliamentary democracy and its institutions in Austria
  • the impetus it gives for a broader public discussion of these topics

The Science Award honours outstanding scientific work addressing one or several of these aspects. The publications/doctoral theses submitted must not be older than 3 years. Self-nominations and multiple nominations are possible.

The Award amounts to a total of € 21,000.-, which may be split between up to two winners. Submissions are possible between 15 January and 15 June 2025. The decision on the Award winners is made by the Foundation’s Board of Trustees on the basis of the proposal made by the Jury.

The Science Award will be granted in 2025 for the eleventh time. The Science Award is offered every other year, in alternation with the Foundation’s Democracy Award.

Science Award_2025_Call for submissions_Lupac-Stiftung / PDF, 70 KB

Science Award_2025_Application Form_Lupac-Stiftung / PDF, 309 KB

WissPreis_2025_Submission Guidelines_Lupac_Stiftung / PDF, 86 KB

Past Science Award Recipients